Sunday, November 23, 2008

{{The L kids - TAKE TWO!}}

The L troop was back here for more torture with my camera today! Man, how fast Miss M had grown in just the month since I saw her last! She has a ton of hair now, too. I had fun goofing off with you guys today, and I hope you did as well. Mr. T, your secret is safe with me, I promise! And, Miss Z, thanks for smiling so pretty and being a good sport with all the poses - I think your idea was the best, though. :D

Anyway, here you go, Mom! I hope your like your sneak peeks from today!

The only one of all three of them. *snicker* You'd know why I snicker if you had been a fly on the wall. ;)

The cutie Miss M.

And, one of Miss Z.

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